Everything you need to know about National Leagues

System FA  &  League Ground Grading

STEPS 5 & 6


Steps 5 & 6 of The National Leagues System are made up of 
34 Leagues Nationally.
Step 6 provides entry to the National Leagues System.
Navigate to the NLS page for full promotion & relegation detail.

* Grade 6 has to be achieved by March 31st upon promotion entry to Step 6 and to remain at Step 6.

* Grade 5 has to achieved by March 31st upon promotion entry to Step 5 and to remain at Step 5.

* Grade E - No longer exists (2022/23)

* Ground Grading is required every 3 years for every ground.


for your inspection

Preaparing for your inspection is important with the pre-inspection questionnaire. Here you can navigate the procedure and prepare

better for the day.



Official FA Ground Grading 
document downloads

FA Ground Grading PDF


Everything you need to know

Navigate Ground Grading with a better understanding of document requirements. Here is the essentials walkthrough for clarity of meaning

and inside tips.

The Essentials

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